What We Do

At 4Financial Solutions, LLC we specialize in helping and educating individuals, families, and businesses by finding solutions to their needs in these 4 key areas:

Saving & Investing
Personal & Business Strategies
Insurance & Risk Strategies
Retirement planning & Estate Conservation Strategies

We are committed to providing financial solutions for you and everything you care about.

Saving & Investing

Whether you're a young adult ready to start saving for retirement, a 50-something ready to pay off your mortgage or a senior living on a fixed income, we can help you build savings, reduce debt, boost income and invest smartly. We can take a look at your current investment holdings and identify opportunities for improvement or updates. As your goals or financial situation change, you may need to adjust your overall financial portfolio. We aim to create a diversified portfolio that aligns with your risk tolerance, time horizon, and focuses on pursuing your goals, not chasing the markets.

Personal & Business Planning

Too often, advisors focus only on investments. At 4Financial Solutions, LLC - we believe there are many areas of financial planning that deserve equal attention. Think of it in terms of a doctor. If you visited your doctor complaining of a headache, your doctor wouldn't just investigate your head, but may also see if there are other issues at work. So whether your looking at your personal financial needs or a business owner thinking about his/her employees - we will make sure all your goals connect together and should be addressed as so. When conducting your financial analysis, we take a look at the main areas of a solid extensive financial and/or business strategy.

Insurance & Risk Strategies

Just as you implement risk management strategies to protect your investments, you should have strategies in place to protect yourself, your family, your business, and things you care about. Insurance is a key element of any financial strategy. Insurance is a means of protection from financial loss and a form of risk management in which the insured transfers the cost of potential loss to another entity. At 4Financial Solutions, LLC - We take a look at the policies you have in place, from life insurance to long term care insurance to ensure they are up-to-date and aligned with your needs. We also make sure our clients understand the different types of insurance products, pros and cons, and if needed make recommendations of securing additional insurance to be adequately protected.

Retirement Planning & Estate Conservation Strategies

It’s never too early to plan for retirement. As you advance in your career, it's important to take advantage of your company retirement plan. However, that’s not all you need. At 4Financial Solutions, LLC – we provide solutions and strategies for clients dealing with the challenge of maintaining their standard of living after their working years and throughout retirement in the face of unknown longevity, inflation, taxes, market conditions and other variables. We help you evaluate your current wealth accumulation phase and tackle the definition of retirement income planning. As you transition into retirement in the “distribution” phase of your life..where will your stable sources of income come from to meet your retirement income needs? At 4Financial Solutions, LLC – we focus on developing a retirement plan that addresses the client’s ability to meet needed income, discretionary spending, and legacy goals.

Regardless of your age and your level of wealth, the failure to establish an estate plan can be detrimental to your family. A properly structured estate sttrategy helps ensure that your family and financial goals are addressed during your life, if incapacitated, and after your death. It’s important to have a basic will and a living trust in place, as well as other key documents, such as durable powers of attorney. We can work with your attorney to ensure all of your bases are covered.